Friday, January 23, 2009


What does love mean to you? Is it an emotion? Or it is just a word that just pop out of nowhere? Love can be subjective. It differs from every person’s point of view. Love from a child’s viewpoint, could be the moment that he is feeling secure in his mother’s hug. Love from a teenager’s viewpoint, could be the moment he had his first date. Love from an adult’s viewpoint, could be the moment he spend with his family. Does love evoke the sense of security, or it’s just about lust?

Well, I don’t know much about love. I am just a going-to-be-eighteen-year-old young adult. Do you expect I have a very relevant view about love? I am still prohibited to watch adult-rated movies. Don’t ever think big about my perception about love. You will regret. But this is my viewpoint of something that people called love.

What is love? Love. Love. Love. I think that love just come by itself. When you feel it, you just don’t realize it. It doesn’t going to tell it is coming to you. Do you ever receive a call that sound like this, “Hello, this is LOVE. I’m coming to your life in me check my watch first..about fifteen minutes from now. Is it okay? Or I need to arrange an appointment with you first?” I bet no is your answer, right? If your answer is yes, please find yourself a psychologist, immediately. And don’t come any near to me again. Haha.

Love is not the feeling that only being felt when you are with your girlfriend. Love is also about family, and friends. Then, why do people always relate love to boyfriend-girlfriend relationship? Let’s come out from the box. If I say, “I am in love.” Does it mean I am having a feeling towards a girl? I can say that I am in love with my parents, because they provide me money and shelter ever since the day I was born. I can say that I love this moment of being a single and available person. I also can say that I love every second of being me.

I don’t want to condemn those who are in love. Love makes you more aware of yourself. You will tend to take good care of yourself when you know that you are in someone’s heart. Love also can make people suffer. Many people suffer from love, especially love for money. As a whole, love makes the world go round. And the greatest love of all is from Him, and for Him, the Almighty, the Most Merciful.

Maybe you are wondering why I am writing about love. Does someone have captured my heart? Or I just had a crush with someone? Haha. Naa.. I don’t need any reason to write about love. It is just I don’t know what to write about, and this is what came out from my mind. Now that you have read what I think about love, I want to know yours too. So, what is love to you?


  1. don't belive im. he's in love wif sumone. i saw him laughin his head off while sleepin.. ha3

  2. haha..
    seriously i'm just writing my perception about love..
    nothing more than that..


  3. hahahhaha...
    seriously amazed by this post.
    a really nice one.
    to me, love is all about care...
    i care for my relationship with God, my dad n mom, my family, my friends just simply because i love them.

  4. love is precious. keep it tight. hold on. till its blossom. ha3. never let it go. u'll regret it forever. aceeh..aceeh.. *sentimental mode. =P

  5. haha. Fadli, tsk-tsk-tsk.. ^^
    "I think that love just come by itself. When you feel it, you just don’t realize it."

    I personally think that there's nothing logical about love. It's purely a feeling that transcends logic and reasoning. Just like how a mother forgives her son no matter what he does. And yet, maybe that's what makes love so beautiful..

  6. saya fad fad : hey im in love with my parents!

    seriously fad fad :P
